06 September 2009


Almost to the end of installing Debian on my new (sort of) HP MV2120. Installed (2) 1TB Seagate drives (ST31000528AS) and formatted LVM/JFS. Installed Apache, mySQL, and others stuff. One of the best things I installed Webmin which is great!

13 June 2009

pmvnc and 4os2

Finally got Dmitry Steklenev's changes inserted into pmvnc and uploaded to hobbes today. The source is at svn.assembla.com.

I also put the 4os2 source into my svn site to make to easier to grab. It is version 3.05A and includes all changes up to 31 May 2009 change number 34617. All the changes entered can be viewed here. The svn source can be viewed or pulled from: http://svn.assembla.com/svn/os2utils/4os2/.

15 April 2009


I had a little spare time and, lucky me; I get an email about patches to PMVNC. Eugene ported this years ago and all I did was add a couple fixes – I hate the POS. But Dmitry sent the patches, so I’ll pull it up and see what is what. Hell, maybe I should put the fixes in that GG has been pissing about for a year…

> 1. After an upgrade to the SMP computer I have many problems with the image of the remote desktop. As I understand, this is thread related problem. Two PMVNC thread try to access to the hpsBitmap simultaneously. I have serialized access via mutex in rect32.c, rect4.c and rect8.c modules. Now all works well.

I never saw this on my SMP systems but sounds good.

> 2. During testing, if I have used "Tiny Color" and "Gray Scale" modes, I have received SYS3175 crash in PMMERGE.DLL. I have replaced in rect4.c:
pbmiBitmap = malloc(16 + sizeof(RGB2) * 16) ;
pbmiBitmap = malloc(16 + sizeof(RGB2) * 256) ;
And now this works well also.

Never did this either… again sounds good.

> 3. Missed comma after ID_PMVNC in IDD_ABOUT resource template.

Hmmm…. Ok. I guess I should fix and try to use wrc rather than rc just to find if it works.

07 March 2009

OS/2 Zip 3.0 and Unzip 6.0f

I got a version of zip 3.0 and unzip 6.0f compiled with Open Watcom 1.8 for OS/2. Supports bzip compression and files > 2 gig.


A readable page of compiled in options is located here: http://www.mgreene.org/wikka/ZipInfo

14 February 2009

Make up time...

Class and work have just eaten up my time. However, as things slow down it is time to start playing again! Come Tuesday I should have 2 IBM Xseries 335 servers. One will be loaded with Linux and the other eCS 2.0 RC6.