28 May 2007


Found Alger Pike's old webpages using The Wayback Machine. I recreated some of them here which also includes the hard to find example archives wfastio.zip, wiolib.zip, and devhelp.zip.

Setup yet another free Blog to track my adventures with uniaud building.

Update 6/4/11: Deleted the other blog.

26 May 2007


Added a Open Watcom eCS-OS/2 setvars.cmd page. I had to change setvars to add perl statements for building nasm.

24 May 2007

Strange coincidence...

I was looking through the testcfg source from the OS/2 Device Driver kit. I took a break and just did a couple random searches for something OS/2 related. I ended up reading this guy's blog and realized his name (Jeff Muir) was the same name I had seen in the source file I was looking at from 1992. Just funny:


Another funny link New Rules for Battling a Goliath.

22 May 2007


The Command Line in 2004

My favorite quote from the above:
"I, too, adventured in the realm of zoomy CPU-meter lights,
hacker techno-geek chic, machine-language softswitch
twiddling, fuzzy grayscale GIFs of porn stars, and spent
endless caffeinated hours diagnosing IRQ and baudrate
settings so I could play Duke Nukem with my friend Brent.
Then something wonderful happened: I got tired of
computing for it's own sake, and started seeking software
and hardware that was not an end unto itself, but an
efficient means to complete a task." 

Free programming books http://www.techbooksforfree.com/  

18 May 2007

changi again...

Got the changi source from Paul and made a deal to pass changes to him. About 90% with changes to compile with OW.

Good link: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/cgi-bin/bookmgr

12 May 2007

Misc. Crap

Recovering from a damn mess trying ACPI 2.21 on the laptop...

Funny - from OS/2 World or old page

Paul's page has a new look

kLIBC version 0.6.2 and GCC 3.3.5 CSD2 released

10 May 2007


egnite Software GmbH has the old Changi source. I contacted them about it and received the following reply 8 May:

Hello Mike,

Mid last year I sent the sources to Paul Ratcliffe and I think he already modified it. You may contact him at

Best regards,

Harald Kipp

I haven't heard back from Ratcliffe as of 10 May.

01 May 2007

New - old book

Found and bought Steve Mastrianni's "Writing OS/2 2.1 Device Drivers in C" on Amazon. Old but cheap... Also, his website has some stuff..