27 July 2008

Another utility...

First, good post The Top 50 Proprietary Programs that Drive You Crazy - and Their Open Source Alternatives.

Next, I finished a utility to compile message files, a mkmsgf clone. I uploaded the first version to hobbes. Dose not do DBCS, but I do not need it any way.

15 July 2008


I have joined the osFree Project at Sourceforge and will keep a mirror of my loader project there.

In the process of hooking in the freeLdr micro-FSD calls, I found a real pain in the ass with BootableJFS. Each call to open clears the screen and displays their copyright message. This messes up any messages anyone else wants to display...

The fix? Well in the newest BootableJFS (as of 2008) Pasha has a turn off. At the JFS uFSD segment and offset 0x1944 a check is made for the byte value 0x0F. If this is set to anything else the message is not displayed.

02 July 2008

Waste of more time...

Simple? Sure, but better than nothing. Screen capture booting with a Virtual PC drive formated with Bootable JFS:

Big hang up is that the IODelay isn't coming up constant.