07 December 2007

Should IBM's OS/2 Be Open-Sourced?

The Open Source Petition letter to IBM

A good article Esther Schindler at CIO: Should IBM's OS/2 Be Open-Sourced?

Comment by me:

Sadly, I agree

I would like nothing more than to think that this time the petition might work or, at the very least, IBM would step up and publicly say no. My money is on no reply at all. Why revisit something that represents a period when IBM was slowly falling apart and being displaced my Microsoft? Why step up and say no in front of the open source crowd, showing their true colors?

I did sign the petition, again. It is just a shame that the source that took so much time and effort to produce will just cease to exist. What a waste.

28 November 2007

First looks...

A real good first look at Virtual Box on eCS-OS/2, Openoffice WPS integration, and SFTP plugin for NetDrive/2 by Andreas Ludwig (link).

11 November 2007

More stuff...

So, in the last month I had to fix a problem I introduced in the uniaud16 build system. One neat thing in the uniaud project, Pasha came up with a way to forward the uni16 debug messages to uni32 so a common log for both is available.

Have spent most of my time configuring my network. The HPMediaVault is great! I have been able to add some apps and turn on EAs for use with Paul's samba client. Also, the cheap linksys version 8 router has DD-WRT firmware available which works great.

10 October 2007

HP Media Vault

Spent a lot of time recovering from a lightening strike which did some home network damage. In the process I got a cheap ADS NAS which was a mistake. However, I finally purchased an HP Media Vault 2010 and am back on track.

09 September 2007

Couple good links

Since I bricked the NAS, I have been killing some time on ASM again.

Couple good links:

Removing the Mystery from SEGMENT : OFFSET Addressing

Assembly Tutorial

03 September 2007

NAS - Killing time

Been killing time playing with my new NAS. Here are some unfinished pages:


It's all stop for a bit cause I bricked it...

24 August 2007


Lucky me! While I was out of town Tuesday night we had the mother of all storms. It didn't whack me through the power cords, but rather through a hub. My 8 port hub was fried and every network item attached to it was trashed. This includes the network card on my old server, the network connection on the old MPro, a 5 port hub, and (Damn it!) the network connection on the xbox 360. So, I have been recovering the last couple days.

But, on the bright side Brendan released uniaud rc3. This comes after a lot of work and testing by Allan, Andy, Steven and others. My build system for uniaud16 was committed using all Open Watcom tools. But all the credit goes to Brendan who picked up this project.

Last, Open Watcom 1.7 has been released! In a world of gcc, Open Watcom is a breath of fresh air...

15 August 2007

12 August 2007

Just crap..

Another couple old OS/2 articles:


08 August 2007

27 July 2007

NO to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard

There is an active petition asking the national members of ISO to vote "NO" in the ballot of ISO DIS 29500 (Office OpenXML or OOXML format).

18 July 2007

Better late than never...

Knut released gcc 3.3.5 csd3 12 June 2007 ftp://ftp.netlabs.org/pub/libc/

Open Watcom v1.7, RC1 is now available July 10, 2007 ftp://ftp.openwatcom.org/devel/

Also, made some progress on a Hello World device driver

05 July 2007

Quite a while....

Been working and playing with uniaud for the last month.

28 May 2007


Found Alger Pike's old webpages using The Wayback Machine. I recreated some of them here which also includes the hard to find example archives wfastio.zip, wiolib.zip, and devhelp.zip.

Setup yet another free Blog to track my adventures with uniaud building.

Update 6/4/11: Deleted the other blog.

26 May 2007


Added a Open Watcom eCS-OS/2 setvars.cmd page. I had to change setvars to add perl statements for building nasm.

24 May 2007

Strange coincidence...

I was looking through the testcfg source from the OS/2 Device Driver kit. I took a break and just did a couple random searches for something OS/2 related. I ended up reading this guy's blog and realized his name (Jeff Muir) was the same name I had seen in the source file I was looking at from 1992. Just funny:


Another funny link New Rules for Battling a Goliath.

22 May 2007


The Command Line in 2004

My favorite quote from the above:
"I, too, adventured in the realm of zoomy CPU-meter lights,
hacker techno-geek chic, machine-language softswitch
twiddling, fuzzy grayscale GIFs of porn stars, and spent
endless caffeinated hours diagnosing IRQ and baudrate
settings so I could play Duke Nukem with my friend Brent.
Then something wonderful happened: I got tired of
computing for it's own sake, and started seeking software
and hardware that was not an end unto itself, but an
efficient means to complete a task." 

Free programming books http://www.techbooksforfree.com/  

18 May 2007

changi again...

Got the changi source from Paul and made a deal to pass changes to him. About 90% with changes to compile with OW.

Good link: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/cgi-bin/bookmgr

12 May 2007

Misc. Crap

Recovering from a damn mess trying ACPI 2.21 on the laptop...

Funny - from OS/2 World or old page

Paul's page has a new look

kLIBC version 0.6.2 and GCC 3.3.5 CSD2 released

10 May 2007


egnite Software GmbH has the old Changi source. I contacted them about it and received the following reply 8 May:

Hello Mike,

Mid last year I sent the sources to Paul Ratcliffe and I think he already modified it. You may contact him at

Best regards,

Harald Kipp

I haven't heard back from Ratcliffe as of 10 May.

01 May 2007

New - old book

Found and bought Steve Mastrianni's "Writing OS/2 2.1 Device Drivers in C" on Amazon. Old but cheap... Also, his website has some stuff..

30 April 2007

29 April 2007

Perl revisited ...

Ok, there were some problems with the perl build, but Paul has a new build that uses Knut's pathrewrite package and it seems to work well. The dirty details here.

26 April 2007

Quick Perl install and setup

Finally had the need to use Perl standalone so I setup Paul Smedley's GCC port. Then I set up a script to just initialize the perl stuff:

I unzip'd the archive to my D drive and I have sh.exe (ash.exe renamed to sh.exe) in d:\moztools.

----- perlenv.cmd -----
set PATH=%PATH%;d:\perl\bin;
set BEGINLIBPATH=d:\perl\bin
set PERLIB_PREFIX=u:/perl/lib;d:/perl/lib
set PERL_SH_DIR=d:/moztools

Now to test it.....

22 April 2007

Slow day...

Is Vista Microsoft's OS/2?

Blast from the past, OS/2 2.1 tutorial from 1993

Page moved to wikka format - http://www.mgreene.org/wikka/HomePage

How to get OS/2 Warp 4.5 (the most commonly used version of OS/2) installed in a Parallels virtual machine - link.